理学士 海洋 & 环境科学

“在网赌上分平台, I developed important research and critical thinking skills in my classes and labs that will be extremely beneficial as I pursue my doctorate,19岁的萨曼莎·达文说, a candidate in the doctor of veterinary 医学 program at Tufts University.


如果有一个程序是完全围绕动手来构建的, 高影响力的实践学习经验, 就是这个,我们的B.S. 海洋与环境科学硕士. 从第一年开始, 你会在, on, 在水边, acquiring the skills that will help launch your professional career.

The coastal region of 康涅狄格 is home to an extraordinarily rich diversity of species and ecosystems. As one of the most complex coastal estuarine systems in the world, Long Island Sound is a marine and environmental scientist’s paradise — and that paradise is only minutes from the 网赌上分平台 campus. As you immerse yourself in the program and in the many field trips to these ecosystems, 你将了解世界上所有的海洋, 陆地, 海洋环境和生物, 以及人类与它们互动的奇妙方式. Humans are inextricably linked with the world’s oceans and coasts. 为了全世界的人民, 这些生态系统一直是食物的来源, 医学, 能源, 商务, 教育, 娱乐, 和幸福. This program will give you a more profound knowledge of this interconnectedness through a multidisciplinary approach grounded in biological and earth sciences, 社会科学, 和政策.

我们的B.S. 海洋与环境科学专业有三个专业 您可以选择:

  • 海洋生物学
  • 海洋政策
  • 环境科学
为什么选择网赌上分平台海事专业 & 环境科学?
  1. 学生们在第一年开始学习专业课程. 这是不常见的. Most other schools insist on a year or two of prerequisites first. 我们的项目让你走上成功的快车道.
  2. 高影响力实践学习. 没有什么比为自己做事更能让你成功的了. Students take the theory they learn in class and put it into practice through a number of hands-on learning opportunities, 包括:
    • 服务学习课程. 学生们通过放置获得第一手的经验 他们为社区工作的技能.
    • 出国留学. 学生可以在学校选择一个学期的课程 in Australia, South Africa, and Scotland or shorter-term, faculty-led programs 阿拉斯加、科德角、新罕布什尔和巴哈马群岛.
    • 教师-mentored研究. Students work with faculty either during the school year or over the summer through grant-funded projects. 他们经常在科学会议上展示他们的工作.
    • 实习. Our students have been successful in obtaining competitive internships through the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration and the National Science Foundation. They also intern at local 水族馆 and marine laboratories such as the Norwalk and Mystic 水族馆 and at nonprofits such as Save the Sound and Green Wave.
  3. 壮丽的田野遗址. 班卡盐沼是一个令人难以置信的多样性, 布兰福德不断变化的生态系统, 康涅狄格, 归大学所有. It’s a prime location for student field exercises and research projects. We also maintain a partnership with the Gerace 研究 Center on San Salvador Island in the Bahamas, 我们的学生平时上课和做研究的地方.
  4. 一个在浅滩群岛学习的机会, 由巴特尔斯奖学金资助. 这一群小岛和潮滩, 距离新罕布什尔和缅因州之间的海岸六英里, 是256种无脊椎动物的家园吗, 139种藻类, 49种鱼类, 还有145种鸟类, 还有著名的海洋实验室. 阅读一位学生的经历: 纽黑文.edu/shoals.
  5. 就业和研究生安置. Our students experience a high rate of success after graduation in landing employment or admission to graduate schools, 包括兽医学院和法学院. They hold positions at a wide range of private- and public-sector organizations, 包括非营利组织, 联邦和州政府机构, 研究机构和大学, 水产养殖公司, 水族馆, 私营企业, 和平队.


Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. 该研究由Encoura提供, the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on higher 教育. It includes median national salaries and industry growth projections over the next decade. 点击此处查看报告全文.










  • This course is required for all first-year students in their initial semester. Every week, students will engage in fieldwork in the marine environments of southern 康涅狄格. They will learn the primary tools and techniques employed by marine scientists to study marine organisms and environments, 包括水柱和沉积物取样技术, 海洋生物鉴定, and proper usage of marine field equipment both onboard ships and along the coast.

  • Today's environmental problems have scientific, social, and political aspects to them. This course will focus on the scientific aspects but will not ignore the other two. 将向学生介绍地质学, 生物学, 物理, and chemistry behind the problems and to the social and political difficulties inherent in dealing with them. 通过讲座的结合, 案例记录, 课堂讨论, and observation of the environmental decision-making process at work, students will gain an understanding of the complex nature of environmental problems and of the choices that must be made in solving them.

  • In this course students will examine the world’s marine resources from the perspectives of usage and management efforts. 案例研究将用于研究经济, 法律, 政策问题以及保护措施.

  • This course investigates the major subdisciplines of ecology including organismal, 人口, 社会生态系统, and landscape ecology as well as the human impacts and environmental management and assessment. 实验室部分包括设计生态学研究, 现场抽样技术, 生态分析.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational 教育al experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a 海洋理学学士学位 & 环境科学,查看学术目录:

    海洋 & 环境科学学士.S.

    • 环境科学专业
    • 海洋生物专业
    • 海事政策集中





There are a variety of opportunities for you to learn more about our programs, 在这里做一名学生是什么感觉啊, 还有奖学金, 我们提供的助学金和经济援助. Whether you want to meet us on campus or online, we have something for you.

  • Whether you're still in high school or are transferring from another college, we offer full- and part-time opportunities for undergraduates from inside the U.S. 和国外. The admission process can begin as early as the end of your high school junior year.


  • 我们提供全面的经济援助计划, 学生以助学金的形式获得援助, 奖学金, 学生贷款, 兼职工作. 资金来自联邦政府和州政府, 私人赞助商, 从大学资源中. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.
