文学士 游戏设计
& 互动媒体

是什么让一款游戏真正优秀(或失败)?? How can you lay the groundwork for a career developing, researching, and playing games? 在这个创新的项目中, students learn the answers to these questions 和更多的 as they prepare to make their own contributions to the world of 游戏.


Video games and interactive media are an integral p艺术 of many of the hottest professional fields today, 包括教育, 卫生保健供给, 心理健康干预, 警察培训, 还有许多行业,这只是其中的几个. 那些沉迷于游戏的人, 无论是为了专业目的还是为了娱乐, 是依靠那些有创造力的人吗, 视觉能力, 以及设计游戏所需要的概念思维能力. 我们的B.A. 在游戏设计中 & 互动媒体将为你在游戏行业的职业生涯做好准备.


通过我们的项目, you will engage in a broad exploration of how games are built — both technically and 艺术istically. 你将单独工作,以及在多人模式, collaborating with students from other programs and colleges to build your own games. To do this you will build and level up on skills that you develop in courses that focus on narrative, 写作, 音乐, 视觉艺术, 和更多的. 你将使用这些技巧来发展故事, 创造有趣的角色, 设置规则, 并提出挑战,促进与用户的互动.

游戏开发是一个多学科领域, 你必须了解与之相关的每一个学科. You will wear many hats in game 发展 — 艺术ist, writer, 音乐 expert, 和更多的.


是什么成就了游戏设计 & 互动媒体 program unique is its interdisciplinary approach to preparing students for their future careers. 在程序中, 学生从艺术提供的有利位置学习游戏, 音乐, 写作, 文学, 心理学, 社会学, 历史, 哲学, 计算机科学, 和更多的. 通过这种方式研究游戏, students develop the diverse background and multidisciplinary skillsets that 游戏设计ers need to succeed.

游戏行业的员工有着不同的背景和培训, 而不是局限于某一项技能, 我们的课程旨在帮助学生通过这种方法取得成功.


在获得这个学位后, you will be in a solid position to pursue a career in the 游戏 industry in areas like game production, 发展, 测试, 设计, 写作, 艺术, 和音乐. But any industry that that uses 游戏 and interactive media is yours to explore, 这一职业领域每天都在扩大.

与此同时, the Entertainment Software Association’s “Video Games in the 21st Century: the 2020 Economic Impact Report” points to over 143,在美国直接创造了5000个工作岗位.S., 但是当采取直接行动时, 间接, 并将诱发的经济影响考虑在内, 总数是令人印象深刻的428人,646 U.S. 工作. 根据Indeed.com *, 自2014年以来, both Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) 游戏 工作 have seen 400% growth. The video game industry is the largest sector of the 游戏 industry and bigger than the movie 和音乐 industry combined.**


*的确.com. (2017年1月10日). 游戏开发者的需求量大吗? 看看电子游戏行业的乔布斯. http://www.Facts上.com/lead/video-game-labor-snapshot



Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


游戏设计 & 互动媒体 is one of several 网赌上分平台 degree programs focused on 游戏.


The information below is 设计ed to show a few of the possible careers you could pursue with this major. 职位名称和工资数据来自职业展望手册, 劳工统计局的出版物.










  • 介绍游戏、游戏和游戏文化的研究. 本课程提供了视角的概述和应用, 概念, and methods of the diverse field of game studies (also called ‘ludology’) to provide students with a critical appreciation for games and associated phenomena.

  • 本课程调查游戏历史的基础知识, 游戏设计, 游戏引擎, 技术伦理, 项目管理. 学生将具备分析游戏的能力, 确定游戏机制和游戏引擎, 并使用预定义的资产和游戏模块组装互动媒体.

  • 伦理学的批判性探索, 作为哲学的一个领域, 还有电子游戏, 作为一种互动的审美媒介. Students will cover ethical theory and video game theory; they will then focus on the theoretical intersection between the two, 侧重于应用伦理学和道德心理学. Students may also cover the ethics of video 游戏设计 and the ethics of video game culture.

  • 对游戏问题的深入分析, 游戏, 游戏文化以及这些问题的可能解决方案. Students explore the causes and consequences of important social issues as they relate to 游戏 contexts, 比如社会偏见, 偏见和歧视, 仇恨言论和骚扰, 以及玩家之间的冲突.

  • 随着电子游戏创作变得越来越容易, people without programming experience can now create their own interactive experiences-digital games that prioritize 艺术istic expression over commercial success. 在这个课堂上, students explore this emerging 艺术 form of “punk games” by creating their own original digital games and examining existing repertoire and 写作s in this new media. The class will culminate in a public gallery of students’ games at the end of the semester.

  • A foundational course in the narrative methods and storytelling aspects of games. 本课程将向学生介绍文学, 修辞, and narrative theories that help us to understand games as story-driven media. P艺术icular attention will be given to the ways that games both overlap and diverge from storytelling methods in other print and visual media. Students will study the narrative aspects of many different types of games and apply what they have learned to create their own narrative game.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a Bachelor of 艺术s 在游戏设计中 & 互动媒体,查看学术目录:

    游戏设计 & 互动媒体,B级.A.


Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.

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All 网赌上分平台 students have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.




  • Whether you're still in high school or are transferring from another college, we offer full- and p艺术-time opportunities for undergraduates from inside the U.S. 和国外. The admission process can begin as early as the end of your high school junior year.


  • 我们提供全面的经济援助计划, 学生以助学金的形式获得援助, 奖学金, 学生贷款, 兼职工作. 资金来自联邦政府和州政府, 私人赞助商, 从大学资源中. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.
