
网赌上分平台 is committed to providing access to its programs and services to all members of the 大学社区 inclusive of individuals with disabilities. The University follows the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and the most up-to-date guidance from the Department of Justice (DOJ) with regard to service animals on campus. 根据ADAAA和DOJ, the 网赌上分平台 notes the following regarding persons with disabilities who bring service animals to campus, 包括大学宿舍.


“服务的动物,” 《网赌上分平台》(ADAAA), 狗是否被单独训练为残疾人工作或执行任务. 这种工作或任务的例子包括引导盲人, 提醒聋人, 拉轮椅, 应对和保护癫痫发作的人, 或履行其他职责. 服务性动物是工作动物,不是宠物. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADAAA guidelines.

A “处理” is a person/student with a disability who is directly served by a service animal or a personal care attendant who handles the animal for a person/student with a disability.


  1. 根据ADAAA, 服务性动物必须被套上, leashed, 或系, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents use of these devices. 在这种情况下, 个体必须通过声音保持对动物的控制, signal, 或者其他有效的控制措施.

  2. 处理者对服务动物的行为负责, 包括服务动物造成的身体伤害和/或财产损失. 经办人的经济责任可能包括更换家具, carpet, window, 墙面涂料, 以及损坏其他大学自有财产的费用. 处理人员应在维修和/或搬出时支付这些费用.

  3. The cost of care (health and safety) for the service animal is the sole responsibility of the handler. 根据当地的法律法规, 服务动物必须接受所有要求和/或推荐的疾病免疫接种. 必须遵守当地的许可要求. The University may request an updated verification regarding a service animal’s vaccinations at any time during the service animal’s residency, but verification will at a minimum be required at the start of each year the animal is in residence. These records will be maintained in the Accessibility Resources Office and will be shared with the Office of Residential Life and University Police.

  4. The handler is to ensure that the service animal is not disruptive or a nuisance to members of the 大学社区. Disruptive behavior includes loud barking or other distracting actions by the service animal unless said noises or behaviors are part of the needed service to the handler. 妨害被定义为, 但不限于, 过度的噪音, 对人类或其他动物的身体伤害, 破坏财产. 尽可能地, 训犬员应确保服务犬不接近或嗅人, 餐桌, 或者别人的私人物品.

  5. The handler must take precautions to assure the service animal does not block any emergency exits.

  6. 服务性动物必须经过驯养. It is the handler’s responsibility to remove and properly dispose of the service animal’s waste (e.g. 尿液、粪便、皮毛等.), 哪些必须放在坚固的塑料袋中才能丢弃, 而且必须在室外的垃圾桶里处理掉. 如果训犬员身体不能够在服务犬之后进行清理, 然后,处理程序必须雇用并支付能够执行此服务的人. 管理人员应防止动物在花园或校园内的耕地上小便.

  7. 服务性动物是否住在大学宿舍, the handler will provide emergency contact information for an individual should the handler be unable to care for the service animal at any time. A current University student or University personnel (unless the University personnel are the parents/guardians of the student) are not appropriate choices for an emergency contact and will not be permitted. 如果服务动物住在大学宿舍, the 无障碍资源中心 will share a copy of the emergency contact information with the Office of Residential Life and the University Police Department.

  8. First year students who requires the use of a service animal who choose to reside in university sponsored housing, are encouraged to notify the 无障碍资源中心 (ARC) of the intent to live in university housing so that ARC can make appropriate arrangements regarding placement, 室友/室友或其他必要的住宿. Current students who reside on campus should choose roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) who are comfortable residing with the animal. 一年级学生没有选择自己的室友, 未来的室友会被告知房间里有一只服务性动物. All roommates or suitemates of the Handler must acknowledge in writing that the service animal will be in residence with them. 如果一个或多个未来的室友或室友不同意, 或对服务性动物有健康或安全方面的担忧, general university policies regarding roommate or suitemate disagreements will be followed to enable either the handler and the service animal or the non-approving roommate(s) or suitemate(s) to be moved to a different location.

  9. 服务性动物不能对他人的健康或安全构成直接威胁. 服务性动物被认为对他人构成人身威胁的, 将采取行动将其从学校财产中移除.

  10. 如果怀疑服务性动物被忽视, 虐待, 或者已经被抛弃, 大学可以联系西黑文警察局的动物控制部门. 服务性动物不应该被单独放置不合理的长时间.

  11. 出于健康和安全的考虑,需要对服务性动物进行日常护理, 包括跳蚤和蜱虫预防, 虫, 常规接种疫苗, bathing, 每年由兽医进行检查.


服务性动物可以陪同训导员在学校各处走动. 基于健康和安全考虑,学校可能会在某些区域实施某些限制. 例子可能包括, 但不限于, 具有无菌条件的科学/研究实验室, 有实验动物或示范动物的教室, 需要穿防护服的区域, 保管的壁橱, 锅炉房, 设施设备室, 以及州法律规定的动物不能进入的区域.

The Residential Life staff will inspect residential facilities on a regular basis as a part of routine health and safety checks of all residential space. 如果跳蚤, ticks, 或者在检查过程中发现其他害虫, 该单位将由大学认可的虫害防治服务机构使用熏蒸方法进行处理. 这些费用将记入学生/经办人的账户.


Service animals may be removed from 网赌上分平台 premises under the following circumstances:

  1. 服务性动物不会被宠坏(见上文第6条)。.

  2. The service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it. If improper animal behavior occurs repeatedly; the handler may be prohibited from bringing the service animal into any University facility until the handler can demonstrate that he/she has taken significant steps to mitigate the behavior.

  3. The cost of care (health and safety) for the service animal is the sole responsibility of the handler. 根据当地的法律法规, 服务动物必须接受所有要求和/或推荐的疾病免疫接种. 必须遵守当地的许可要求. The University may request an updated verification regarding a service animal’s vaccinations at any time during the service animal’s residency, but verification will at a minimum be required at the start of each year the animal is in residence. These records will be maintained in the Accessibility Resources Office and will be shared with the Office of Residential Life and University Police.

  4. 服务性动物表现出直接的威胁. A handler may be directed to remove a service animal that 网赌上分平台 determines to be a substantial and direct threat to the health and safety of individuals. 任何对其他学生表现出恶意行为的服务性动物, staff, 或者客人, 可能被禁止进入校园.

当有正当理由要求移除服务性动物时, the 无障碍资源中心 will work with the student with the disability to obtain goods or services without the use of the animal.
