马里奥·托马斯·加伯里,J.D., Ph.D.







马里奥·托马斯·加伯里,J.D., Ph.D.他是亨利C学院院长. 李刑事司法学院 and 法医科学s. He is also Special Assistant to the President for Global Alliances. Dr. Gaboury is formerly Deputy Director, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. 律政司. He has four decades of professional, government, and academic experience.

从2019年6月到2021年12月,博士. Gaboury served as Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for academic affairs. As Chief Academic Officer he oversaw the University’s academic programs delivered through its four colleges and one school, 以及那些在偏远地区提供的服务, 包括普拉托, 意大利, 之前是阿尔伯克基, NM. He oversaw Institutional 认证 and Assessment; Information Technology; Institutional 研究; 奖助金 and Sponsored Projects; Digital Learning; the Center for Teaching Excellence; 多样性, 股本, 包容 and Belonging initiatives; 出国留学; the Honors Program; and the 图书馆. He was appointed the University’s Chief Strategy Officer in 2019 and was responsible for the refinement and implementation of the University’s strategic planning during his time as Interim Provost.

Dr. Gaboury joined the full-time faculty of criminal justice in 1996. 他是刑事司法的终身教授. He previously served as Associate Dean of the College and as Chair of the Department of Criminal Justice. He held the Oskar Schindler Humanities Foundation Endowed Professorship from 2007-2009, 他的工作重点是全球人口贩卖. As Dean he directs a variety of programs in Criminal Justice, 法医科学, 法医技术, 调查, 国家安全, 国际事务中, 公共管理, 国土安全, 应急管理, 火灾科学, 消防工程. He also oversees a number of centers and institutes that cover areas such as 法医科学, 分析, 网络犯罪, 贩运人口, 国际司法与安全, 野生动物取证, 青年正义, 与社会正义.

Dr. Gaboury was a gubernatorial appointee on the Connecticut Victims’ Rights Enforcement Advisory Commission and serves on the Connecticut Human Trafficking Council. He served twice on the Advisory Board to the CT Office of the Victim Advocate. He is formerly Chair of the CT Bar Association’s Victims Committee and Vice-Chair of the American Bar Association’s Crime Victim Committee. Dr. Gaboury was founding President of the American Society of 受害者研究. 他的研究重点是受害者学, 受害者的权利, 全球人口贩运, 受害者影响教育, 恢复性司法, 社区警务. His scholarly articles have appeared in the following journals: Victims and Offenders; Forensic Nursing, Offender Rehabilitation; Comprehensive Psychiatry; Traumatic Stress; International Perspectives on 受害者研究 and, 儿童及青少年服务. He is co-author of Crime Victim Right and Remedies (2010, 2nd Edition) (http://www.cap-press.com/isbn/9781594605789).


Tobolowsky P.D.E.加伯里,M.杰克逊,A., & 布莱克本,. (2016) Crime Victim Right and Remedies, (3rd Edition). 达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州:卡罗莱纳学术出版社. (http://www.cap-press.com/books/isbn/9781611636949/Crime-Victim-Rights-and-Remedies-Third-Edition)

Sedelmaier C.M. 加伯里,M.T. (2015)实施受害者影响课程 对犯人来说:多站点复制. 刑事司法研究,第28卷,第2期, 226 - 238页. (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1478601X.2015.1014037 #文摘)

Palmbach T.布鲁姆,J.霍因斯,E.马里兰州普里莫拉克市. 加伯里,M. (2013)利用 DNA analysis to combat the world wide plague of present day slavery trafficking in 人. 克罗地亚医学杂志,54页. 4-9.

Stratton K. J.Aggen, S. H.理查森,L。. K.阿齐尔诺,R.基尔帕特里克,D. G., Gaboury, M. T.Tran, T. L.Trung, L. T.,香港. T., Tuan, T., Buoi, L. T., Ha, T. T., Thach, T. D., & Amstadter,. B. (2013). 心理测量特性的评估 of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) in a sample of Vietnamese adults.  综合精神病学,54 (4), 398-405.

莫伊尼汉,B. 加伯里,M.T., Human Trafficking - Modern Day Slavery, (2013) In 锤,R.莫伊尼汉,B.帕格里亚罗,E.《网赌上分平台》 (2nd Edition), Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Gaboury, M.T. 和ruth - heffelbauer博士. (2010)惩教设置的创新. 在苏黎世,J. 谢伦伯格,J. (Eds.恢复性司法的承诺. 林恩 瑞纳出版公司.; Boulder, Colorado, In Press

Tobolowsy P.加伯里,M.杰克逊,A., & 布莱克本,. (2010)犯罪受害人权利 和补救措施,(第二版). 达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州:卡罗莱纳学术出版社. (http://www.cap-press.com/isbn/9781594605789)

阿曼达B. Amstadter, Ron Acierno, Lisa K. 理查森院长. 丹尼尔·基尔帕特里克. 格罗斯,马里奥·T. Gaboury, Trinh Luong Tran, Lam Tu Trung, Nguyen Thanh Tam, Tran Tuan, La Thi Buoi, Tran Thu Ha, Tran Duc Thach, Sandro Galea (2009) Posttyphoon Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Vietnamese Sample, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 22, No. 2009年6月,第3页. 180-188 [NIMH NIMS编号129664].

Acierno R.阿姆斯塔特,A.格罗斯,D.理查森,L。.基尔帕特里克,D.Tran, T.Trung, L.,香港., Tuan, T., Buoi, L.哈,T., Thach, T.西摩,A.加伯里,M., & Galea S. (2009) A pre-/post disaster epidemiological study of mental health functioning in Vietnam's Da Nang Province following typhoon Xangsane, International Perspectives 《网赌上分平台》,4,1,78-85.

Gaboury, M.T.塞德迈尔(Sedelmaier), C.M.莫纳汉,L.莫纳汉,J. (2008)初步 evaluation of behavioral outcomes in a corrections-based Victim Awareness Program for Offenders, Journal of Victims and Offenders, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 217 - 227.

Ruth-Heffelbower D. 加伯里,M.T. (2008)惩教中的恢复性司法, 在莫里亚蒂,L.J.  Controversies in 受害者研究, 2nd Edition, Cincinnati, OH, Anderson Publishing.

莫伊尼汉,B.加伯里,M.T.奥肯,K.J. (2008)无证件和未受保护的: Immigrant women and children in harms way, Journal of Forensic Nursing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 123-129.

Gaboury, M.T.鲁思-赫菲尔鲍尔(ruth - heffelbauer)博士. (2007)惩教受害人服务及 州莫里亚蒂的恢复性司法项目.J. Jerin, R.A. Current Issues in 受害者研究 研究, 2nd Edition, 达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州:卡罗莱纳学术出版社.

Gaboury, M.T. (2006) Victim awareness programs and victim impact panels, 受害者学的国际视角,  2 (1), pp. 25-41.

说,我.H.莫纳汉,J.J.加伯里,M.T.尼森,P.A.,(2004)受害者的声音 in a correctional setting:  Cognitive gains in an offender education program, 罪犯行为杂志, 39 (3), pp. 21-33.

  • CJ 100 刑事司法概论
  • CJ 217 刑事诉讼程序一
  • CJ 218 刑事诉讼程序II与证据
  • CJ 221 少年司法制度
  • CJ 251 刑事司法中的定量应用
  • CJ 411 受害者研究
  • CJ 413 受害者法律和服务管理局
  • CJ450/670 奥斯卡·辛德勒人文课程
  • CJ 606 家庭暴力和性暴力
  • CJ 617 先进的受害者研究
  • CJ 618 犯罪受害者的权利和服务
  • 大学450/670 奥斯卡·辛德勒人文课程



Eyewitness News 3: 网赌上分平台 to get federal funding for state, 当地警察法医培训

丹尼尔·沃兹尼亚克, 教务长兼学术事务副校长, 马里奥Gaboury, dean of the Henry 李刑事司法学院 and 法医科学s, 博士和. Henry Lee, renowned forensic scientist and founder of the 亨利·C. 李法医研究所, 康涅狄格州参议员理查德·布卢门撒尔也加入了进来, to announce federal funding for a new training program training program for investigating hate crimes for state and local police.


Public Now: Blumenthal Announces $120,000 Grant For State & Local Police Forensics Training At The University Of New Haven

丹尼尔·沃兹尼亚克, 教务长兼学术事务副校长, 马里奥Gaboury, dean of the Henry 李刑事司法学院 and 法医科学s, 博士和. Henry Lee, renowned forensic scientist and founder of the 亨利·C. 李法医研究所, 康涅狄格州参议员理查德·布卢门撒尔也加入了进来, to announce federal funding for a new training program for investigating hate crimes for state and local police.


News 8 WTNH: Hate crimes up across the state; 网赌上分平台 announces additional training for police

丹尼尔·沃兹尼亚克, 教务长兼学术事务副校长, 马里奥Gaboury, dean of the Henry 李刑事司法学院 and 法医科学s, 博士和. Henry Lee, renowned forensic scientist and founder of the 亨利·C. 李法医研究所, were joined by U.S. 康涅狄格州参议员理查德·布卢门撒尔, to announce federal funding for a new training program for investigating hate crimes for state and local police.