工商管理硕士 Flexible MBA

网赌上分平台的灵活MBA课程将通过建立你的知识基础和磨练你成为战略人物所需的技能,把你变成一个商业领袖, collaborative, corporate thinker.

Accelerate Your Career

迎合在职专业人士, 灵活的MBA课程为学生提供了在兼职或全日制基础上学习的便利, during the day, in the evenings, on weekends, and online.

我们的MBA课程已经完全重新设计,以认识到商业分析的重要性——到2026年,这一领域预计将增长10%, adding nearly 800,000 jobs – leadership, and high-impact practices.

网赌上分平台(University of New Haven)的弹性MBA项目是康涅狄格州仅有的两个项目之一,全美不到30个.S. 这提供了浓度 STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) designated by the federal government.

无论你在职业生涯的哪个阶段, 获得MBA学位可以让你追随自己的激情, 过渡到一个完全不同的行业, 开一家自己的公司, 或者只是拓宽你的战略思维.

All MBA students have the opportunity to engage in service learning, faculty-led research, internship, study abroad, and/or a Shared Live Client Experience (SLiCE) real-world consulting project.


有8个不同的项目 包括四门科学, technology, engineering, 和数学)由联邦政府指定 -网赌上分平台的灵活MBA课程将基础商业课程与先进的专业经验相结合,使您能够在高增长领域发展专业知识,并为您的个人职业抱负做好适当的准备.

四个专业(数据分析), Financial Analysis, 全球供应链管理, 市场营销和数字营销)是STEM(科学), technology, engineering, 和数学)由联邦政府指定, 这些课程旨在向我们的学生灌输技术专长,雇主告诉我们,他们希望在未来的员工中找到这些专业知识.

  • 这种专注为学生提供了提高业务运营所需机会的技术意识. 它提供了收集所需的工具, identify, and understand patterns that allow the organization to make informed decisions consistent with its mission. 随着大数据的出现以及用于挖掘大数据的日益复杂的计算技术的出现,这一点尤其正确. With a specific focus on the application of mathematical statistics to the description, analysis, 以及业务数据的预测, the concentration features the analysis of data from multiple firm sources such as marketing, finance, human resource management, etc. The R-programming language is a central part of the concentration’s design.

  • 这种专注为学生提供了评估组织财务健康状况和利用这些信息创造市场实力的能力. It provides a focused exposure to financial tools essential to the modern organizations for valuation, asset management, and risk management. The core program instruction includes the application of mathematics and statistics to the finance industry, 计算与仿真方法, economics, and financial markets performance analysis and application.

  • 这种集中提高了学生的知识和熟练程度,在组织内创造效率的综合决策实践的管理.

  • 这种专注为学生提供使用数字分析和管理能力的技术技能,以战略性地实施与业务运营相关的营销决策. 它提供了收集所需的工具, identify, 并了解允许组织做出有关消费者经济的明智数据驱动决策的模式. 这些技能与大数据的持续增长以及用于挖掘大数据的日益复杂的计算技术尤其相关. With a specific focus on the application of marketing data analysis, 该项目以洞察消费者行为为特色, Big Data, and analytics applied to real-world marketing challenges across various industries. The R-programming language is a central part of the concentration’s design.

  • 这种集中建立了实现和监督数据驱动的业务决策所需技能的技术熟练程度, 从数据中形成推论和预测, 做出最优和可靠的决定. Applications of business analytics span all function areas.

  • This concentration develops the strategic approach to effective management of an organization’s workforce.

    Another way to go? Our M.S. in Human Resources program, for those aspiring to higher-level human resource leadership roles and more in-depth HR knowledge.

  • 这种关注促进了学生对组织中财务事务的高效和有效管理的知识.

  • 这种专注提高了制定组织愿景和使命的过程的知识,以及对各种环境因素的评估,以实施跨职能决策,以实现全面的业务目标.


我们灵活的MBA课程在我们世界一流的贝加米和庞培研究生中心提供 Orange campus. The facility, 哪个是前公司总部, 也是我们emba课程的所在地, 以及我们的体育管理研究生课程, Taxation, Finance, Accounting, Business Analytics, 及人力资源管理.

Learn from professors who are dedicated to your success.

Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


All University of New Haven students have access to the many resources available through the University’s Career Development Center, which has been named one of the best in the nation by The Princeton Review.

From career assessments, networking, and job shadowing to on-campus interviews and salary negotiation, 职业发展中心提供技能和人脉,帮助你找到有意义的职业,并为你提供追求激情的机会.

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Our Pompea College of Business is Among the Top 5% Worldwide

AACSB accreditation means that our Pompea College of Business has passed a rigorous set of standards. The faculty, students, programs and research have been closely examined and judged to be of exceptionally high standards.

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University of New Haven MBA Program Recognized by University HQ

The University of New Haven's Full-Time MBA program was ranked 63rd nationally by University HQ. It was also recognized by University HQ a best MBA in business analytics and best MBA in human resources. 决定因素包括录取率, retention, and graduation, 以及提供的课程数量.

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  • An advanced degree from the University of New Haven will help you take your career to the next level. Each program offers convenient scheduling, personalized attention, and state-of-the-art facilities.



    Unfortunately, 因为弹性MBA的性质, we are unable to enroll international students to this program. Explore our Full-Time MBA Program 申请并在美国继续学习.S. 作为一个国际学生.

  • The University of New Haven Graduate School is an excellent value with reasonable tuition. Of course, you will still have bills to pay and the Financial Aid office can help.

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